Activating or Resetting Advancement Sync (SB)
If advancements show in the council’s ScoutNET record for the Scout but not in Scoutbook. The council Registrar can modify the earned date in ScoutNET by a day and it will force the advancement to be pushed to Scoutbook. (Allow 48 hours for the change to show up.)
These steps should also be followed if a Scout is not showing advancements in Scoutbook that are recorded in the council’s ScoutNET records.
This guide is for the Scoutbook unit administrator to use.
A new Scout who is registered will show up in Scoutbook within 48 hours of them being registered and showing up in under Member Manager. The advancement sync will be turned on automatically for them, you do not have to enter them into the system. We strongly advise that you wait for the Scout to be automatically added to Scoutbook. If a new Scout does not show up on your roster, or Scoutbook tells you that the member ID is already in use see the guide here to find the Scout and bring them into your unit.
If you hand enter them into the system, you will need to edit their profile and add their membership number. Then go to their Membership page and select your unit, and mark the approved box and update. That should activate the sync.
The Scout’s membership number can be found by the unit key 3 in Membership Manager at
If the Scout does not show as in the sync (red A with a circle around it next to their name) or if you suspect that a Scout’s advancement is not being updated from council records do the following:
First double check to make sure the Scout’s name, birthdate, and member ID are correct in Scoutbook by looking at the Scout’s profile in Scoutbook, and their record in Member Manager at (unit key 3 members can see Member Manager at If they are not the same, change Scoutbook or contact your local council to make changes in the Scout’s official record.
NOTE: Month, Day and Year of Birth date must match what is in the council record. Call your local council to confirm birth date, the way the full name is spelled, and the member ID.
(If you try to add a member ID to the Scout’s record in Scoutbook and the system says it already exists, it may be because there is another record for the Scout in Scoutbook, follow the directions here to bring that record in.)
After verification, do the following in Scoutbook:
Click on the Scout’s name
Click on the Scout’s membership
Click on the Scout’s current membership in the unit
Uncheck position approved on current membership
click update
Click on the Scout’s current membership in the unit again
Uncheck position approved on current membership
Recheck position approved on current membership
click update
Allow 48 hours for the advancement sync to occur.