Where can I find a list of local merit badge counselors? (SB)
Troop, crew and ship leaders can find the list of merit badge counselors on the unit page in Scoutbook. Scoutbook provides a search for merit badge counselors at that location. Your unit need not use Scoutbook to view the list. Log into http://scoutbook.scouting.org with your my.scouting userID and password, click on My Dashboard, Administration, your unit and scroll down the page. A downloadable list is not available at this time.
District and council leaders can find a list of merit badge counselors at this link.
Merit badge counselors can find the badges they are approved to counsel by logging into http://scoutbook.scouting.org (use your my.scouting userID and password to login) and clicking on My Dashboard, My Account, My Positions.